Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time Flies

Everyone tells you to enjoy every minute with your babies because they grow up so fast!  So true!!!  My "babies" are getting so big and changing so quickly!  I'm so proud of them everyday and am so thankful for the love and joy they bring to my life!

Big sis teaching her little sis how to do puzzles!  Love it!

Marina has suddenly had an explosion of language.  It seems that she is a little parrot these days, trying to repeat anything and everything she hears! 
Helping Mommy get ready for the colder weather!
Some of her newest words include: popcorn, hi, papa, hot, cold, apple, kitty, juice, bird, pop, shoe, eyes, doggie, and her favorite word, baby!  She is even starting to say Trista...although it sounds more like Ti-ta!

Such a good little mommy!
And Trista has had her own explosion with language.  My big girl is learning how to read!!
Ignore the paint mustache...Focus on the eyes!  These look like the eyes of a reader, don't they?!?
Tonight she read all of these sentences:

And, of course, Trista continues to love drawing.  Here is her latest masterpiece!

1 comment:

  1. i love them they are so cute i so wish i could be there to watch them grow up
